The most recent launch: - the monthly bugdet tracker.
At day, I develop applications for iOS, but at night…
- enjoy Swift even more, sincerely hoping it will take over the world some day, while
- learn other programming languages, like Python, Rust and, lately, Go, along with
- ecosystems build around them, like web-frameworks, CLI tools, parsers and try some AI
- long time ago I have started with C++, yet currently this skills has got rusty, I you know what I mean
- strive for quality software, dedicate a lot of time on how to build one and teach newcomers
- develop various tools and services I wish to have and going to use, some of currently public, yet still in progress are:
- : frees head of everyday plans; coming with more task management tools soon…
- : helps to build weekly meal plans; early stage development, yet I am already using it
- more to come!
Currently working on API tools to improve their desing, testing and developers collaboration:
And building a static-site generator purely in Swift to power this blog as part of general evolution